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ResellerPower is a powerful, yet an easy to use integrated solution that helps you sell more in less time. ResellerPower performs many tasks including quoting, order entry, purchase order, prospect list management and much more.
The Birthday Chronicle
The Birthday Chronicle produces a personalized mini-newspaper front page, including graphics, that will be treasured for years.The printout includes a greeting, by name, from the then-President of the United States, plus newspaper headlines & more.
The Sands of Time
The Sands of Time, an easy-to-use Windows program that produces a suitable-for-framing keepsake memento that commemorates people's birthdays, anniversaries, and other special days.
Amazing Astrology
Ken Kirkpatrick Software, the largest publisher of personalization
software, has released Amazing Astrology, a Windows program that produces a suitable-for-framing , personalized insight into anyone's birthday.
AdAgentPlus is a great tool for Advertising Agencies to help maximize productivity. The system performs many tasks including job tracking, costing, estimating, and purchase order entry.
FlexRent is the flexible solution for vacation property management. You can design your own reports, modify the interface, and change what fields are kept in the database.
Class Reunion Almanac
Ken Kirkpatrick Software, the largest publisher of personalization software, has released Class Reunion Almanac, a Windows program that produces a suitable-for-framing keepsake memento for individuals attending class reunion parties.
First Name Almanac
Do you know what your first name means? Find out with First Name Almanac. This easy-to-use 16-bit program prints pages, suitable for framing, with attributes associated with your name -- including meaning, origin, personality, and travel and leisure.
Чтобы начать сомневаться, нужно принять решение. Ежи Лец
-- Ты слышала, какая ночью была гроза? -- Ой, ну почему же ты меня не разбудил? Ты же знаешь, что я совершенно не могу спать во время грозы.
Любишь мочиться - люби и памперсы носить!