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» Games
» Virtual Pets
An amusing extension of the Game of Life: fidgety swarms of tiny critters wage a war against each other, and you takes part in this battle in real time as a commander of your own living army. Flexible settings allow to construct lots of new games!
This revolutionary program brings life to your desktop. A DesktopPlant grows directly on your desktop and needs your care just like a real plant! See for yourself how amazingly realistic these plants are!
CellFighter ScreenSaver
This screen saver is based on an amusing extension of the Game of Life: fidgety swarms of tiny critters wage a war for the screen space. You can change colors and forms of the critters, choose a speed, an intensity and a scenario of their battle.
Free virtual pet game. Look after, feed and play games with your own virtual pet. Vaccinate him to stop him getting ill, discipline him when he's naughty, and clean him out when he gets dirty. Play peek-a-boo or hide and seek when he gets bored.
...не вы съели идею, а вас съела идея. Ф.М. Достоевский
Возмущенная жена отчитывает мужа: -- Как ты мог явиться домой в четыре утра?! -- А что, я не имею права позавтракать в кругу семьи?!
Ребенок уже вышел весь сине-черным и вдруг стал разлагаться резким запахом.