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» Audio
» Voice
Voice Insert ActiveX
Insert Speech To Text in any Windows Application.Supports English/Chinese/Japanese Engines, Limited Dictation, Voice Commands and Passwords. Enables Point'n Speak with Read Aloud Target. Also supports XML Scripting Input for Limited Dictation.
Wave To Text
Wave To Text is a English Speech Recognition Dictation Pad with a Wave To Text Wizard
WaveDiff ActiveX Control v1.0 processes a input wave file using FFT and returns the accuracy of match found with a reference wave file
iGo Incognito
iGo Incognito - Secure communications using a public key infrastructure and the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). Supports rich voice/text messages, offline and online messages, private chats, open forums, file transfer and more...
Dialgo Personal Call Center
Answering Machine for scripting your own professional call center business scripts using a voice modem. Features Caller-ID, Wave Playback, Wave Recording, Digit Monitoring, POP3 Email Manipulation, Speech Recognition and Synthesis.
Dialgo Wave Modem ActiveX
Dialgo Wave Modem ActiveX SDK Features Caller ID Extraction,Digit Monitor and Playback, Wave File Playback and Recording on Phone Line. You get to save your Wave File in 20+ Audio Formats. Also Inputs CCITT u-Law Compressed Wave Files
Человека можно уничтожить, но его нельзя победить. Э. Хемингуэй
Фермерша говорит мужу: -- Джон, посмотри, какая грустная курочка! Может, сварить из нее суп? -- Да, пожалуй, если ты считаешь, что это ее развеселит.
Что вы пишете, товарищ солдат? Вы что, умный, что ли?!