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SS Water Lily - Animated 3D Screensaver
The EleFun Company launched Water Lily - the new product in the Animated ScreenSaver series. In this product, we have implemented a perfect combination: excellent picture quality, comparable to a photo, elements of 3D animation and realism.
AD Fireplace - Animated 3D Wallpaper
The EleFun Company released Fireplace - a new product in the Animated Desktop 3D Wallpaper series. It’s a perfect blend of highest picture quality, 3D animation and realism. The product also has built-in ambient sound.
AD Water Lily - Animated 3D Wallpaper
The EleFun Company launched Water Lily - the new product in the Animated Desktop Wallpapers series. In this product, we have implemented a perfect combination: excellent picture quality, comparable to a photo, elements of 3D animation and realism.
Desktop Manager
Desktop Manager is a new product from the Elefun Multimedia Company. It is built into all the new versions of the Screensavers and Animated Wallpapers of the Elefun Multimedia Company. Desktop manager supports products’ navigation, settings, ....
AD Alpine Lake - Animated Wallpaper
High mountains with the peaks in clouds, with snow-covered tops always cause inexplicable feeling of delight and pleasure. But they help to catch philosophical mood, give calm and strong sensation of freedom.
AD Butterflies - Animated 3D Wallpaper
The EleFun Company released Butterflies - a new product in the Animated Desktop 3DWallpaper series. We have managed to use 3D technology and keep perfect picture quality at the same time.
AD Silent Lagoon - Animated Wallpaper
In its product range the Elefun Company has released a new theme "Lagoon" for the Animated Desktop Wallpapers and
Screensavers. At first sight you can see a cosy, lively and amazingly beautiful world of wild nature.
Birds Screensaver
Beautiful images of birds: in flight, on rest. Also, look a Collection of exotic birds. Learn a life of birds!
In full version it's available 40 pictures. All images in resolution 800*600 pix and High Color (24-bit).
Неподражаемое как раз и вызывает большинство подражателей. Мария Эшенбах
Взяли в семью невестку. Свекровь сказала, чтобы та на- варила капусты. Невестка нашинковала полную кастрюлю, поста- вила на огонь. Когда сняла, увидела, что капусты и половины не осталось. Боясь подозрения, что это она съела, невестка горько за- плакала. Увидела это свекровь и стала успокаивать: -- Так всегда бывает, потому что уваривается. На следующий день невестка сварила на завтрак пять яиц. Не утерпела и два съела. -- А где остальные? -- удивилась свекровь. -- Уварились, мама,-- нашлась невестка.
Баба с возу - потехе час.