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AD Three Bears - Animated Wallpaper
In its product range the Elefun Company has released a new theme "Three bears" for the Animated Desktop Wallpapers and
Screensavers. The moment you see the bears you will realize that you have already seen them once.
AD Autumn Sunset - Animated 3D Wallpaper
The EleFun Company released Autumn Sunset - a new 3D product in the Animated Desktop Wallpaper series. It will certainly please those who like sunset themes. We have managed to use 3D technology and keep perfect picture quality at the same time.
AD Happy Halloween - Animated Wallpaper
In honour of a holiday Halloween company EleFun has issued new, completely free-of-charge subject for Animated Desktop Wallpapers and Screensavers which and is called -"Happy Halloween".
AD Dragon-Fly - Animated 3D Wallpaper
EleFun Multimedia released AD Dragon-Fly -the new freeware product in the Animated Desktop Wallpapers series. In this product, we have implemented a perfect combination: excellent picture quality, comparable to a photo, and elements of 3D animation.
Magic Flowers Screensaver
This screensaver shows images of beautiful flowers - red and white roses, exotic orchids,
violets, chrysanthemums, viols, daisies, tulips, carnations, dahlias, lilies, iris, water lily.
You'll see a single flower and splendid bouquets
Amazing 3D Aquarium - Animated Screensaver and Wallpaper
The EleFun Multimedia is glad to inform you about the release of its new product with add-ons, which is called "Amazing 3D Aquarium". Aquarium made with the application of 3D technologies is a beautiful animated underwater landscape and fishes.
Affiliated Desktop Manager Builder
The Elefun Company is engaged in production and selling of such products as Animated Desktop Wallpapers and Screensavers which are very popular among the Internet users. Elefun prepared a special version - Affiliated Desktop Manager Builder.
Big Cats Screensaver
This screensaver shows beautiful images and reproduces voices of wild cats. See troop "Felines": lion, tiger, panther, lynx, leopard, cougar, cheeta, bobcat. Beasts at rest and at action. Polyhedral life of greater cats.
Должен ли я отказаться от хорошего обеда лишь потому, что не понимаю процесса пищеварения? О. Хэвисайд о недостаточной обоснованности операторного исчисления
Пришел однажды к ходже сосед и говорит: -- Почему ты позволяешь своей собаке лаять всю ночь? Я и моя семья спать не можем. -- Но ты же не станешь требовать, чтобы я лаял вместо нее,-- ответил ходжа.
Талант - как пизда: как ни прикрывай ладошкой - все равно выебут.