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» War
Battleship clone game. You can play against both a computer and a human over a local network or the Internet. The game has nice interface with skins support. Various types of game and 7 levels of complexity give you extraordinary game experience
Reveal Your Rank!
Reveal Your Rank! is strategy board game similar to Stratego from Milton Bradley. Hide your flag and guard it safely. You have 40 pieces to place strategically on the board. Your job is to capture your opponent's flag before your opponent finds yours
Medieval Britain
Experience eleventh century Britain in this real-time tactical adventure for one to eight players.
1942 Campaign for Malaya
A great turn based wargame covering the Japanese invasion of Malaya in 42. One player will control the Japanese army, the other plays the allied forces (British, Australian, Indian, and Malay troops).
Battle for Moscow
Free turn based wargame covering Operation Typhoon in late 1941. Replay the German unsuccessfull attempt to capture Moscow, followed by the Russian counter-offensive that denied the German any chance to conclude the eastern war that year.
Pax Solaris
Pax Solaris is a very tense and challenging real time strategy game, loosely based on the board game Risk. You will be amazed at the strategic depth of this game, even though it is very easy to learn and play. You will have to conquer stars.
Island Wars 2
Deep in the South Pacific, two islands battle over their palm trees! Hop in your biplane and bomb the enemy trees while using your cannon to protect your own. Features 6 gametypes, 7 mutators, 10 gameplay parameters, 5 skill levels, worldwide scores.
1941 Operation Typhoon
A great turn based wargame covering Operation Typhoon in late 1941. Replay the German unsuccessfull attempt to capture Moscow, followed by the Russian counter-offensive that denied the German any chance to conclude the eastern war that year.
Galaxy Unfurled
The growing unrest among the galactic legions forebodes of interstellar war. Posturing of alliances and positioning of fleets, and yet, even as the galactic warlords arm themselves to the fangs, civilization blooms on lush green worlds, undeterred.
1945 Operation Konrad
Operation Konrad recreates the German attempt to relieve the Russian siege of Budapest, the Hungarian capital, in early 1945. One player will control the axis army (German and Hungarian units), the other plays the allied forces (Soviet and Rumanian).
Все сложное менее совершенно, чем простое. Плотин
Больной просыпается, удивленно осматривает палату. Увидел соседа, морщит лоб и наконец говорит: -- Мы где-то, кажется, с вами встречались? -- Конечно, именно поэтому мы тут и лежим.
Желание женщины - закон. Чаще всего это - закон трения.