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» Audio
» Wave
This assembly language program is a compact alternative to much larger AudioFile player. It allows an audio file to be played virtually instantly as opposed to waiting for a larger program to load, display an window, and then play the sound.
Text To Wave
Converts Text to Wave, MP3 or WMA Files and helps design a read aloud MP3 book for you. This helps solve a lot of your daily problems with electronic text. Using a mp3 player you may now listen to documents.
Wav Mp3 Editor
Wave MP3 Editor is a complete audio editor / recorder with the ability to convert between MP3s and WAV files. Wave MP3 Editor makes editing audio files as easy as editing text with its clear user interface and powerful effects.
WaveDiff ActiveX Control v1.0 processes a input wave file using FFT and returns the accuracy of match found with a reference wave file
Aldo's Text-to-WAVE
Convert text, web pages and MS Word documents into WAVE, OGG or MP3 files. Great tool to create audio books, improve your memory, read text and listen documents on the road in your MP3 player while you drive, walk or perform other tasks.
Dialgo Personal Call Center
Answering Machine for scripting your own professional call center business scripts using a voice modem. Features Caller-ID, Wave Playback, Wave Recording, Digit Monitoring, POP3 Email Manipulation, Speech Recognition and Synthesis.
Audio CD Toolkit
Burns your own custom audio CD, rip sound tracks from CD to disk, Convert mp3 to wave files or wave to mp3 files.
Наука изощряет ум, учение вострит память. К. Прутков
Муж приходит вечером домой с подбитым глазом, рука в гипсе. Жена в ужасе: -- Вася, что с тобой? -- Да я сегодня в пивной с одним мужиком на глаз поспо- рил, что он мне руку не сломает.
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