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» Audio
» Wav
WAV to MP3 Encoder
Encode your WAV files into MP3 for online sharing, or storing on your computer or MP3 player. WAV to MP3 Encoder gives 40 different bitrate options for encoding, including 3 sampling rates and 2 channels. Batch convert WAVs in our easy interface.
Precision CD WAV MP3 Converter
Makes exact digital copies of audio CD's. Uses FreeDB. Designed for beginners and advanced users. Convert to and from all supported formats: WAV, MP3, WMA 8 and 9, OGG. Record any input: records, tapes, radio, mic.,streaming audio, etc. as WAV's.
QuickChange Media
QuickChange Media v2.0 is the ultimate
file conversion program. Vastly improved for ease and speed. QuickChange now has
video batch processing, video-to-WMV conversion, new CD recorder, and over 50
audio, video or static image formats to choose from.
QUACK Sound Effects Studio
Create your own original sound effects with QUACK Sound Effects Studio. Simply use the visual editor to plug together standard components, such as oscillators, modulators and filters. Produces output in WAV format.
CD to WAV/MP3 Ripper
Extracting digital audio from CDs has never been as easy as with CD to WAV/MP3 Ripper. You can rip CDs to WAV so you can burn custom CDs or on-the-fly to MP3 with the option for 14 different bitrates. This program is freeware.
Easy Hi-Q Recorder
Easy Hi-Q Recorder is the easiest way to record absolutely any sound in real-time! For beginners to advanced users. Record to MP3, WMA 9, WAV, OGG. Record streaming audio, mic., LP's. Auto: song, silence, split, volume. VCR-like timer and a player.
MM Player
MM Player greatly simplifies managing all your myriad media files and Compact Discs. It introduces powerful, customizable Play Lists allowing you to listen to hours of endless music while working in other applications.
Complete Audio Converter Pro
An audio encoder/decoder (converter/player) and CD ripper utility for Windows. Supported formats: MP3 (including VBR), WMA, WAV, ADPCM, GSM, DSP, MP2, PCM (uncompressed Wave), OGG Vorbis, G721, G723, G726, A-LAW, U-LAW and RAW.
MP3Coder is powerful easy-to-use WAV to MP3 encoder. Program supports WAV and MP3 formats, all constant and variable bitrates ( 8-320 bps). ID3v1 tag editor, flexible system for setting MP3 filenames, FreeDB support. Numerous interface languages.
MM Player Pro
MM Player is a media player targeted at professionals. It introduces powerful play and error log files. It can be remotely controlled using the Inte. It introduces powerful play and error log files. It can be remotely controlled using the Internet.
Природа не терпит неточностей и не прощает ошибок. Р. Эмерсон
Интеллигент попал под каток, ровняющий асфальт. Водител катка поднял интеллигента, свернул его в рулон и привез жене. Она приспособила интеллигента в качестве коврика для вытирания ног. вскоре он загрязнился. Она выстирала его и повесила сушить. А он простудился и умер.
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