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» Utilities
» Weather
A program to receive weather reports, navigational warnings and weather charts transmitted on longwave and shortwave bands in RTTY, NAVTEX and HF-FAX (WEFAX) modes. Only receiver and computer with a sound card are necessary.
StormPredator provides personal near real-time NEXRAD doppler radar images from any location in the USA on your PC desktop. It has an EXCLUSIVE storm tracker and predictor tool, plus personal scan zone and a distance measuring tool. Email,pager alert
Cool shareware weather program that keeps you posted of current weather conditions, forecasts, Warnings/Advisories, hundreds of Satellite and Radar images, weather Cams, Worldwide locations and the program is skinnable.
WeatherAloud reads weather forecasts and conditions aloud from over 7500 locations worldwide. Wake up to your local forecast, listen to hourly temperatures from your favorite vacation spot, or hear conditions where your distant loved ones are.
Webmizzle is a simple tool for monitoring current weather conditions worldwide. It uses data that are available to the public (you can see the same images on countless www pages with any web browser).
Click Clock
Animated weather radar & satellite, local temperature in tray, local weather, internet time sync, sun/moon rise, map, animated moon phase, planets, eclipse, equinox/solstice, meteors, dictionary, thesaurus, calculator, full year calendar, 27 holidays
Hurricane Watch
Hurricane tracking and analysis. Data displayed on a high-resolution globe that can be zoomed to any location. Bearing, distance and ETA to any location calculated. Database of all Atlantic Hurricanes from 1950 through 2002 included with program.
Сама по себе каждая вещь и велика, и мала. Анаксагор
Луис Альберто подходит к Марианне и говорит: Марианна! Позволь поцеловать твою руку! Марианна, вытерев, как всегда, нос рукой, протягивает ее и говорит: -- Ну ладно, целуй.
Путь к сердцу гея лежит через его жопу