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» Web Browser Add-ons
GooDelete History
Google Toolbar will clear all items in its search history. Use GooDelete History to select an item from the Google Toolbar search history list and delete it. Search the web using any type of keywords and later delete them using GooDelete.
ATS MultiPage Control Center
Open and control multiple web pages with your favorite browser. Hide and show the selected pages (or all of them), open and close additional programs automatically (firewall, messenger, etc). Import your links in a tree view and more, much more...
LookItUp adds eBay, dictionary, thesaurus, quotations, and eight popular search engines to IE's context menu. Highlight a phrase on any web page, right click your mouse, and a new browser windows appears with the definition or search results.
Пока люди любят, они прощают. Ларошфуко
-- Ваша дочь согласна стать моей женой. -- Сами виноваты. Нечего было ходить к нам каждый вечер!
Жизнь так коротка, что едва успеваешь ее испортить.