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» Web Design Tools
Pixifex creates bitmap effects for Macromedia Flash, and does that real-time!
Pixifex comes equipped with 19 highly adjustable effects, which the user can tweak using sliders and buttons.
Entry LE
Test the security and robustness of your servers, via remote brute-force attack. Entry is compatible with WWW Basic Authentication, FTP, and POP3 email protocols, HTTP proxy servers, and all popular wordlist formats.
FlaX creates text effects for Macromedia Flash, and does that real-time! With its intuitive approach, it has raised the text effect standards.
FlaX comes equipped with 122 predefined effects, subdivided into 51 highly adjustable effects, which the user can tweak using sliders and buttons.
Professional PCB-Design System.
It includes: Schematic, PCB with powerful Autorouter, Component and Pattern Editors to create your own components. Manufacturing output formats Gerber RS-274X and N/C Drill are supported.
Когда говорит история, отдельные личности должны умолкнуть. Г. Бенн
На заднем борту грузовика - два текста: "Догоним и перегони Америку!" и "Не уверен - не обгоняй!"
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