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RankDummy! is a powerful tool to obtain the search engine position and page number of your web sites on the top search engines Google, Yahoo, AOL, Lycos, Altavista, Looksmart, and Inktomi.
Profit Protector
Protect your affiliate links with javascript encapsulation. Profit Protector will generate HTML pages that you can link to that will hide and protect your affiliate identification.
Reglo is a versatile graphics design tool including an on-screen ruler, a color picker, a magnifier, a mini-screen capture feature, and the ability to resize the windows of other applications.
Xtreeme SiteXpert Professional Edition
SiteXpert creates cross-browser navigation systems (e.g. expandable site map tree, DHTML drop down menu, site index) and search engine (Internet, Intranet or Offline). You can choose from 12 navigation system types and hundreds of predefined schemes.
Ulead COOL 3D
Ulead(R) COOL 3D(TM) 3.5 allows designers to create high-impact, animated 3D titles and graphics for output as still images, GIF animation, video or 3D Macromedia(R) Flash(TM) movies.
Ulead PhotoImpact
PhotoImpact 8 delivers total image editing for the PC. Easily manage and enhance digital photos, create stunning graphics and produce high-impact Web pages for recreational or professional use.
web optimizer
Web Optimizer intelligently compresses web pages which accelerates your web site from 30% up to 70% – without changing your site's appearance.
Web Response Grabber Standard
Web Response Grabber is a web lead capturing tool that automatically transfers web form data into your Database. It can also send auto responders, dynamically re-route e-mails and lot more... thus automating your online operation.
Word Cleaner
Word Cleaner enables you to batch convert Word files (and .rtf & .txt files) to HTML files and clean out all the unnecessary tags, reducing the size of your files and thus improving download times.Batch clean any HTML file, not just Word HTML files.
Xtreeme DHTML Menu Studio
With this program you can add a DHTML drop down menu to your web site within a few minutes. The program comes with tons of predefined graphical looks and supports easy integration with existing web sites. No HTML / JavaScript knowledge required.
Природа и боги сумасбродствуют не менее людей. Б. Спиноза
По одесскому причалу к пароходу "Сергей Есенин" торопитс мамаша с маленьким сыном. - мама, кто такой Сергей Есенин? - спрашивает сын. - отстань! Сзади идет биндюжник и встревает в разговор: - мальчик, ну откуда мама может знать, что "Сергей Есенин" - это бывший "Лазарь Каганович"?
Ее ноги, как погоны - очень хорошо смотрелись на мужских плечах...