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» Web Developer
New price - just $29! Sitecraft - the simple solution for creating good-looking websites. No need for technical expertise, no need for experience, and no need for any additional software! Let Sitecraft do the hard work for you!
AeroTags Search Expert
Create a unique search tool based on JavaScript for your website to make it more usable. You don't need any server-side scripts to use it. Make your website look more professional and shift the load form server to client.
AeroTags Flash Design
AeroTags Software offer you original logos and menus made in Macromedia Flash. Your Web sites will look more professional and will be well remembered. Logos and the menu are completely customizable. Logo 2 can even contain your own picture.
Easy Button Creator
Easy Button Creator is intended for easy creation of 3D buttons on basis of prepared templates. You can edit parameters of the button,caption,light source,shade and save created image to GIF, JPEG, BMP-files. Also you can create your own templates.
Мы все - рабы того лучшего, что внутри нас, и того худшего, что снаружи. Б. Шоу
У одного мужчины спросили: -- Стоит ли жениться? Он ответил: -- Не знаю, но, по крайней мере, не будьте, как рыба: когда она на воле, то спешит в сети, а когда она уже в сетях, то рвется на свободу.
Баба с возу и волки сыты.