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» Web Development
Inzomia Web trial
The Inzomia Web Edition Trial enables you to quickly test functionality such as seamless Pan & Zoom and Fullscreen view on your website images.
Form1 Builder
Form1 Builder runs in your web browser and allows you to easily build any web form. It applies the base Form1 structure to provide a single file form (no cgi) with a hidden email delivery address and an extensive range of benefits and options.
Absolute Log Analyzer
Get over 160 detailed reports with this powerful log analysis tool. Study your visitors activity "under the microscope," find patterns and improve site navigation. Get your copy Absolute Log Analyzer make your site more user-friendly and popular.
1 Cool Button Tool - Java
Spice up your site with animated buttons, menus, navigation schemes and other Java applets using this easy-to-use tool - you can even add sound. Just arrange your buttons in a WYSIWYG window, press 'Build Java' and 1CBT creates all the java and HTML.
PHTML Encoder
The PHTML Encoder allows encoding PHP scripts before distributing them. The script code is encrypted before saving. The PHTML Encoder includes console and GUI versions of converter. It is possible to combine protected/unprotected scripts in one site.
CoffeeCup Free FTP
CoffeeCup Free FTP is a fast no frills FTP program that makes it easy to drag and drop files to and from your Website. It supports multiple server profiles, resumes broken uploads and downloads, and can transfer files in binary, ASCII, or auto-mode.
Hello Engines! Professional
Hello Engines! - a tool for registering your websites with all of the most important search engines and directories - has already won numerous awards. The Professional Edition features a ranking module, multiple registration, a search engine database
CoffeeCup Direct FTP
Webmasters love Direct FTP because it is so easy to make quick changes and updates to their Websites. Just drag a file to the Edit window to make changes and click save when you are done. Direct FTP saves the changes directly to your Website!
Color Palette Generator
Builds harmonious color schemes for designers. Allows exporting to aco and act files for import in to graphics applications. Allows printing of palettes. Supports WebSafe colors.
Easy HTML Construction Kit
This program (six tools in one) provides an easy way to create HTML code from lists and tables in textfiles, and to convert data in textfiles to full HTML documents. Includes an interactive TABLE creator which handles COLSPAN and ROWSPAN.
Многие чиновники стальному перу подобны. К. Прутков
Нищий звонит в дверь. Ему открывает хозяйка и отказыва- ется подать милостыню. Он настаивает, и она грозит, что позовет мужа. -- Бесполезно, миссис,-- спокойно говорит нищий,-- его нет дома. -- Откуда вы знаете? -- Мужья таких жен, как вы, приходят домой только обедать, а то и еще реже!
Заснув на лекции не восхрапи, ибо всхрапев разбудишь ближнего своего, разбудишь в нем зверя, и надругается он над телом твоим