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» Web Development
MM Player Pro
MM Player is a media player targeted at professionals. It introduces powerful play and error log files. It can be remotely controlled using the Inte. It introduces powerful play and error log files. It can be remotely controlled using the Internet.
CoffeeCup Button Factory
The most complete, easiest-to-use button maker on the Web. Use your own .gif or .jpg images to create Butttons, Menus and Navigation in Java or Flash.
HTML Match
HTML Match is the best HTML comparison tool for Windows 95/98/ME - Windows 2000/NT/XP available on the Internet today. Use it to analyze the changes between two revisions of an HTML file. See visual, source code, or text differences at a glance.
HostName Commander
A powerful tool for web developers to control the mapping between the host names and IP addresses. Can be used to block access to unwanted web sites, suppress third-party web ads while web surfing, speed up DNS queries, and more.
Free Java Web Button
Magic Button is a very friendly system for creating Web-page Java-based buttons, even if you have no programming knowledge.
Javascript Menu Maker
Javascript Menu Maker is a powerful Javascript-producing design tool for creating menu system on Web pages.
MMS is a complete turnkey online system for internet dvd and game rentals. Skinnable public site with all the bells and whistles that your customers will want. Automated backend operations for owners and staff.
Hello Engines Standard
Hello Engines! - a tool for registering your websites with all of the most important search engines and directories - has already won numerous awards.
Javascript SlideMenu
Javascript SlideMenu is a powerful Javascript-producing design tool for creating slide menu on web pages. The menu will slide out if mouse moves over the vertical menu bar and it will slide back if mouse moves out.
AI Tree
AI tree is a dynamic component for creating powerful web trees / web menus for your asp.net pages with the use of an intuitive WYSIWYG interface. The produced menus / web trees are created in flash and are therefore very fast and work on all browsers
Все подобно всему в каком-нибудь отношении. Протагор
Вернувшись домой после посещения баров, кафе и про- чих забегаловок, муж включил свет, сел перед зеркалом и стал вни- мательно рассматривать свое лицо. -- Что, давно себя не видел? -- ехидно спрашивает жена. -- Не смейся, дуреха! Во мне все-таки есть что-то божест- венное! -- Нет, ну вы только посмотрите, совсем уж спятил! -- Эх, ничего ты не понимаешь... Я вот сегодня садился в трамвай, а старушка посмотрела на меня внимательно и говорит: "Господи, да куда же ты прешься!"
Во Фpанции pезко повысили pождаемость: совместили матку с пищеводом.