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» Web Graphics
A quick and easy way to produce quality graphics webpages, photo albums and photos for the web - no skill required. Create graphics web pages and photo albums by simply customizing the professionally designed templates.
Amiasoft Thumbnailer
Software for creating thumbnails, resizing your digital images, or organizing your images into an HTML-based photo album. You'll build professional looking photo galleries within minutes of installing Thumbnailer! No HTML knowledge required!
3D FontTwister text & button maker
FontTwister lets you create impressive text effects for web pages, logos, and presentations in seconds. Add glows, bevels, transparency, embossing, texture, edges, soft shadows and blurs to your text or apply one of the dozens of built-in styles.
3DWebButton is a PC-based software package that offers an easy-to-use, step-by-step approach to creating sophisticated 3D buttons and headings for use on Internet sites. Now with javascript roll-over effects!
Animate Me!
Animate Me! creates GIF and AVI animations on the base of predefined effects. You can define sequence and parameters of separate effects to get peerless animations quickly and easy.
ButtBot will make your life easier if you are building web applications and are using image buttons by batch generating buttons from a file. Imagine the time it would take to produce hundreds of buttons in different languages using PhotoShop. Using ButtBot you design your buttons with your ordinary graphics package, create a ButtBot settings file after which you only have to enter the text and filenames for the buttons in an Microsoft Excel Sheet. ButtBot is charityware
Easy GIF Animator
Easy GIF Animator is powerful yet easy to use software for creating and editing animated GIF images. With its special features you can add stunning visual effects to your animations, prepare them for your web page and do much more.
Живопись - нечто среднее между мыслью и вещью. С. Колридж
-- Чем отличается портфель от портфеля? -- Хм. Раз плюнуть: в портфель кладу! документы, а в портфель -- документы.
Какой русский не любит мокрой ..езды?!!