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» Web Search Tools
SimpleFind is a free program that allows you to search information on the Internet using top search engines. You can search Web pages, e-mail address, news, MP3, encyclopedia, shareware, or computer/technology.
Subject Search Spider
A personal second-generation intelligent Web crawler that automates searching for information on the Internet. Its reports include both links ranked by relevancy and text extracts from the pages that are found by a powerful built-in search engine.
GoogImager Browser
Small Internet Browser for Advanced Image Search with Google search engine. You can perform Image Search more easily and comfortable using this tiny browser and powerest search engine. This is other implementation of other our program - GoogImager.
Advanced Image Search with Google and AltaVista search engines. GoogImager - a small utility for making a query to the some images search engines. You can switch between search in different engines and different types of search with one click!
Когда судьба ставит тебе палки в колёса, ломаются лишь негодные спицы. Авессалом Подводный
Жена -- супругу: -- Раньше ты был счастлив, если видел меня хоть несколько минут в день! -- И сейчас тоже, ненаглядная!
Девушкам не хватает женственности, а женщинам - девственности.