
В начало
» Internet
» Web Site Tools
DNS4Me puts you in control of the Internet by giving you the power to deliver the content of your choice from your computer. Host your own Web server, FTP server, email server, and much more without the hassle of a hosting company.
FTP Voyager
FTP Voyager lets you perform FTP tasks as if working locally in Windows Explorer. Connect to any FTP site, drag-n-drop files, synchronize, simultaneous transfers, auto-resume downloads, and more!
Start running your OWN download site in a matter of hours! Promote your ISP, your software, or simply use it as a revenue raising tool! With content updated hourly with no intervention from you, what could be simpler!
Все мои усилия сводились к тому, чтобы убавить у людей глупости и прибавить им честности. Ф. Вольтер
- что это такое: много голов, хвост длинный, глаза горят яйца маленькие и грязные? - очередь за яйцами по 90 копеек.
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