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EyeSpyFX Webcam
Eyespyfx Mobile enables you to view your webcam through a mobile phone. Supported models: Any WAP or iMode based colour picture phone and pocket PC's / Palm devices.
The webcam can also be viewed on a standard pc.
go1984 was conceived for professional and problem-free video
surveillance. It can use pictures from Network-Cams, WebCams, Video
Capture Cards and other http picture sources.
HomeWatcher Lite
HomeWatcher is motion-sensitive webcam software for Windows.
Originally designed for security purposes like watching your house from work, HomeWatcher can be used in almost any situation where remote monitoring is required.
MMD CamExplorer Free
MMD CamExplore with WebPage builder is the web cams database which gives you possibility to search, view, monitor and record hundreds of static and streaming webcams. It contains home, city, scenic, adult, weather, traffic etc. cams.
Crime Catcher
Crime Catcher is software for your webcam that allows your computer to act as a security system. The software will monitor for motion and if detected actions can take place, e.g: save images, play sounds, email notification, and launch programs.
Как видишь, в этом мире счастья мало, И все, что сладко, сладко лишь сначала. Юсуф Баласагурский
Одесса 1990 года. Разговор в очереди - посмотрите вон на того гражданина. По-моему, он еврей! - не может быть! Все евреи давно уехали! - а мне кажется, еврей. Давайте спросим. - товарищ, извиняюсь, вы случайно не еврей?! - я?? Еврей?? Поц я, а не еврей!!
Мешай дело с бездельем - живи с весельем!