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» Development Tools
» Webdesign
Shopping Cart Professional
Shopping cart software to create an online store. Insert cart into existing pages or make new pages. One-time licence fee. UNIX, NT and Windows webservers. Payment gateways. Dynamic catalogs. Free 30-day evaluation. Product file as Excel sheet.
SSEditor integrated the PHP/PERL script editing and executing environment in one simple user interface. Just need one step configuration, don't have to setup a complex web service in your computer, you can edit scripts and view there results easily.
CGI Star Professional
Common Gateway Software (CGI) creation. Interactive web forms. Mail the form content or the entire page. Attach a file and send. Multi-form input or single click submission. Ideal for online order, feedback, subscriptions, etc. CGI on your server.
Liquid is the fastest way to create webanimations/games/presentations.
Unlike other techiques, it's deployed as XML - making it easy to update/change what has been created, even in notepad.
Нередко нам пришлось бы стыдиться своих самых благородных поступков, если бы окружающим были известны наши побуждения. Ф. Ларошфуко
-- Почему вы хотите развестись, госпожа? -- У меня больше не осталось никаких поводов поссориться с мужем.
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