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» WinHelp
The easy way to create professional Help systems and documentation for web-based and desktop software applications. One manual, one file. A single source document for HTMLHelp (.CHM) and WinHelp (.HLP) output, and plain HTML for Website. No coding
Paper Killer
Create a manual, hypertext, HTML Help CHM, online help, personal CDs with this all-in-one easy visual editor. Like a word processor, no code; quick placement of links; image hot-spots and rollovers; global search/replace. Handy: one manual, one file.
Hyper Publish
Create a catalog, a manual quickly. Publish to Websites & CDs. You edit a single file, you can publish it anytime to both Web/autorun CD. Frames, styles, hot spots, rollover, shopping cart... Powerful and visual, for normal people (no HTML or code)
Всякое определение есть ограничение. Б. Спиноза
Терпит бедствие большой пасажирский теплоход. По ра- дио объявляют: -- Пассажиры, купившие билеты в рассрочку, садятся в шлюпку первыми!
Глаза боятся, а руки пакостят