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» Utilities
» Window Managers
Window Hide Tool
Window Hide Tool will help you to quickly hide a window of any application. You can set hotkeys for basic program commands: hide a window; hide all windows; hide a group of windows.
Iconic Tray
This tiny utility lets you minimize any window either to the system tray, or to a special new tray (see image). This helps you keep your taskbar clean for often used apps. Minimizing can be carried out with mouse clicks and/or system-wide hotkeys.
Hot keys for selecting (switching) windows, minimizing/maximizing, making windows Always On Top. Tag 9 windows, on full/partial title, selected using the numbers on the main keyboard, either alone or with the Alt key (Alt+1, Alt+2...), Ctrl key, etc.
Innovative and easy to use window manager with a map of the desktop. DynaDeskXP includes full support for multiple monitors and the multi-monitor extended desktop.
allSnap is a small system tray program that causes all top level windows to snap to the sides of the screen and each other while moving or sizing, like they do in other programs such as Winamp or Photoshop.
JumpKeys Pro
A utility that uses hot keys for selecting (switching), minimizing, and maximizing windows (including child windows), making windows Always On Top, storing text in a tabbed clipbook, accelerated text editing and inserting text in virtually any window
Читать означает "брать в долг", а сделать на основе этого открытие - значит "уплатить долг". Г. Лихтенберг
На рельсе лежит крыса. Обходчик (поднимая ее за хвост): -- Тоже мне -- Анна Каренина!
Телесные повреждения были причинены в ночь с 24 на 26 сентября 1995.