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» Utilities
» Windows Extensions
12Ghosts SuperGee
These Windows enhancements automate tasks and make Windows run faster and smoother. Improve your productivity with Windows, and save plenty of time with these 'gems' of easy-to-use utilities.
12Ghosts SetColor
Great tool to set the icon colors suitable to your wallpaper image. Change the desktop icon's text color and the desktop icon text's background color, even to transparent! A handy tool, with a functionality not possible before in Windows.
12Ghosts SaveLayout
Keep changes to your desktop icon layout once and forever. This is the final answer to the Windows desktop imperfection, keeping a strong backlog of icon layouts. Comes with a desktop simulation tool, and a powerful tray application launcher.
12Ghosts QuickStart
Mr. 'Q' of the application launchers. Unlimitted hotkeys and tray icons for each entry. Open programs, documents, websites, and special system folders like StartUp or SendTo, even registry keys, and has many more unrelated commands.
12Ghosts Notepad
Editor with unlimited text size, font formatting, and easy-to-use editing hotkeys. 12-Notepad has interesting automation for saving (every 1/2 second), copying (on selection), scrolling (move mouse to top or button), and closing (on focus lost).
12Ghosts Zip
Fast compression, compatible with the ZIP industry standard. 12-Zip has Explorer integration, a graphical window to handle files, supporting different compression methods, and features a small executable. Now supports Zip2, up to 20% smaller zips!
12Ghosts JustAWindow
Imagine you want to read a webpage but there is an animation that distracts your concentration. If you Just had A Window to place it on top! Create as many free-movable windows as necessary to cover, hide, or conceal all these areas on the screen.
12Ghosts Timer
12Ghosts Timer is an easy to use and powerful scheduler for starting applications or documents, or setting up reminders. Start once, countdown, recurring, or after logon. You can set the process priority and window size. Holiday support.Programmable.
12Ghosts ShowTime
Enhance your taskbar clock to show the date and a second time zone. You may display seconds smaller and the date in a different color, for example. Everything is configurable! With alarm, chrono, and countdown it is powerful and a pleasure to use.
12Ghosts Robo
At certain events (appearing of a Window, for example), let this helper respond on your behalf. Let it click a button, or start programs, for example 12-WinControl to position a window. Automate repeated tasks in Windows. It has never been easier.
Люди не в состоянии изменить свою природу. Д. Юм
Старик Сэм захворал. Он сказал домочадцам, что его дни, вид- но, сочтены, и близок конец. Дети и внуки собрались у постели Сэма. -- Дети,-- задумчиво сказал старик.-- Мы с матерью прожили душа в душу пятьдесят два года. Стряпуха она хоть куда. Вот и сейчас из кухни доносится привлекательный запах яблочного пирога. Пой- дите кто-нибудь на кухню и принесите маленький кусочек... Через минуту в комнату вошла сердитая жена. -- Что это ты надумал, старый черт? Я же готовлю пирог для завтрашних поминок.
Длинные ноги - не роскошь, а средство передвижения