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» Windows Extensions
12Ghosts Popup-Killer
Free Popup-Killer that blocks ALL popups of IE. Extended Boss-Key included. NO black list you need to maintain.
12Ghosts ScrSavMan
Automate screen saver settings by shortcut, batch file, or scheduling. Change screen saver, stop it with a scheduler, start with password protection, set time-out, enable/disable, set/reset password protection, enter standby mode, change wallpaper.
12Ghosts DeskTOP
Did you ever have the problem of an active program blocking the way to the desktop? Or one that you were unable to minimize? 12-DeskTOP provides you with a window that looks like the desktop, displaying your icons in the layout you are used to.
12Ghosts ProfileCopy
Administer Windows user profiles. This includes user defined settings, like your wallpaper, sound schemes, desktop icons, start menu items, and so on. What's different, 12-ProfileCopy also copies the files referred to by these settings.
12Ghosts Startup
Did you ever wonder why some programs are already running when Windows starts up? Now you can manage these programs easily. No matter from where the program is started. To remove any entry just select it in the list and hit DELETE.
12Ghosts Shredder
Overwrite files, drag and shred, DoD conform, Wipe Disk. Delete even if the file is locked! No trails are left of any compromising or confidential information. Nobody will ever be able to recover the files! A necessary tool for every Windows user.
12Ghosts Synchronize
Synchronize your PC time with an atomic clock via the Internet. This program simplifies the task to the outmost and sits conveniently to access in the startbar tray. 12-Sync adjusts the time repeatedly, automatically, and silently exactly on the dot.
12Ghosts WinControl
Set the size and position of a window exactly and easily, close or terminate any window, by hotkey, batch file, or scheduler. Start and position windows that don't keep their position themselves. Or test your web page at 640x480, for example.
12Ghosts Backup
Keep every change of your documents while you are working on them! Automatically store changed versions in an archive folder and apply a smart filter to keep versions of all ages.
12Ghosts Lookup
Click your way through to data in a snap of a second that would otherwise cost you hours to find on the Internet or in a book. Look up zip and area codes, compare countries worldwide, expand acronyms easily, or use a measurement converter.
...кто резко высказывает свои мнения о чужих действиях, тот обязывает этим себя действовать лучше других. В.Г. Белинский
В доме новая няня. Отправляясь вечером в театр, хозяйка дает указания: -- Когда собака поест, вы ей дайте воды. Если она будет цара- паться в дверь буфета, дайте ей сухарь, если она сядет возле холо- дильника, это значит, что она хочет холодного молока, а когда она уляжется на свой коврик, надо будет осторожно укрыть ее одеялом. -- А как насчет детей? -- спрашивает няня.-- В котором часу уложить их спать? -- Детей? -- удивляется мать.-- А зачем их укладывать? Они и так всегда засыпают, как только заканчивается телевизионная программа.
Из записной книжки больного гемороем: Ночью снова поставил свечу во здравие.