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» Windows Managers
WinTiles Plus
Automate the arrangement of your desktop windows in a variety of layouts. See how WinTiles can help you with instant messaging,web browsing,MP3 listening, video editing word processing and more.
Actual Title Buttons
Add extended window manipulating capabilities to any window via new title buttons. Control window transparency on-the-fly, roll-up and unroll windows, minimize any window to TaskTray or keep any window on top of others with just a click! Try it now!
Advanced Folders Watch
Monitoring of new mail messages and posts appearing in Outook folders and public folders on MS Exchange Server. Wide set of filters, passive and/or active user notifications. Work as add-in to Microsoft Outlook 2000/XP/2003.
Actual Window Guard
Actual Window Guard helps you automatically minimize certain programs upon startup or open them full screen, get rid of annoying pop-up windows, allows save windows size and position and restore them on next time, prevents accidental close of window.
Actual Transparent Window
Add transparency effect to any window such as Taskbar, WinAmp, Menus, Instant Messengers and others in Windows 2000/XP. You can set individual transparency rate from 0% (fully transparent) to 100% (solid) for each window to achieve the desired effect
Actual Window Rollup
Minimize windows so only title bars remain visible. This is better than minimizing them to icons. You won't have to hunt for the windows you were using! Mix manual and automatic controls to your preferences.
Actual Window Manager
This advanced software adds extra functionality to every window on the system. It allows you to roll-up and unroll windows, hide them to Tray, keep them on top and make them semi-transparent via new title bar buttons. Download FREE trial version now!
Цель научного мышления - видеть общее в частном и вечное в преходящем. А. Уайтхед
Рабочий каждый день приносит с собой на завод завтрак - бу терброд с килькой. Однажды к нему подошел секрктарь парткома: - завтра завод посетит иностранная делегация, так что ты, Иванов, возьми из дому что-нибудь получше! Назавтра Иванов на глазах иностранцев развернул и съел бу- терброд с черной икрой! - молодец, не подкачал! - говорит ему потом секретарь. - Как это тебе удалось достать черную икру? - всю ночь не спал, глаза из килек выковыривал...
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