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» Windows Utilities
PwdDoubleCheck (Passwords)
PwdDoubleCheck is an easy to use application to check the strength of your passwords on Windows based systems. Activate a trial version of PwdDoubleCheck by using this product key RGm+7-rW2/B-5Z#Eu-$M6Fh.
Quick access files, folder, webpages straight from your tray bar, manage startup services and applications, automate and schedule tasks and actions starting with applications, internet dialing or even get notified when a new email arrives in your mailbox.
RAUL stands for 'Run As User Launchpad'. RAUL is designed to allow specified individuals access utilities such as Task Manager in a restricted desktop environment.
Rocket Retriever
Rocket Retriever indexes your hard drive's file names, and lets you search for names (or partial names) as you type. Find files fast - missing, misplaced, or even renamed. Includes syntax highlighting and pattern matching for easier searching.
Taskbar Manager
Taskbar Manager is a powerful desktop utility to control windows taskbar related activities. It has features to show/hide application tabs on taskbar, manage execution of startup programs and performing automatic system shutdown at specified times.
Internet Cleaner
Remove all traces of your computer activity (including recently visited sites, browser cache and cookies, Start menu history, documents history etc.) and free the hard drive space by erasing the Scandisk file fragments and emptying the Recycle Bin.
Что значит название? То, что мы называем розой, пахло бы так же хорошо, какое бы имя вы ему ни дали. В. Шекспир
-- Ты должен собрать всю свою волю в кулак и наконец по- казать жене, кто в доме хозяин! . -- Да что тут показывать, она и без меня это прекрасно знает.
Она его встречает с распростертыми ... ногами