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» Word Games
Sympathy Crossword Publisher
Sympathy helps you prepare crosswords for publication in print form or on the web. Its highly flexible grid drawing and puzzle layout options allow you to create US style fully checked, diagramless, blocked, Italian style and barred grid puzzles.
An exciting fast-paced word recognition game, where the rule is: if it's a word, whack it! Includes 9 different variations, customizable rules, optional sound effects, a high score list, and configurable font and color schemes.
TEA Crossword Helper
TEA is a crossword puzzle solver with over a million words and phrases. It finds crossword answers; solves anagram clues; helps with other word games such as Scrabble and Countdown; shows word meanings in an integrated dictionary and thesaurus.
Whirlwords is an extended version of the familiar pencil-and-paper word chain puzzles in which you connect two words by changing one letter at a time. Over 100 puzzles, nifty graphical interface, built-in editor, on-line help, extensive vocabulary.
Word Solitaire
Word games for one! Word Solitaire is a collection of 30 challenging single-player word games, including solitaire variations of your favorite board games, word-based versions of FreeCell, Pyramid and Tetris, and many more fun and original games.
Scrambled is a cool scrabble clone. It features 3 levels ( beginner, advanced, expert ), and the option to hide or show the word list. It also has a cheat option
WordOMatic is a Word Search game with elements of puzzle and strategy. Rearrange letters to form words which are replaced with fresh letters. As letters grow old, they change colour. Use all available letters before they they become void.
A spelling, vocabulary and trivia quiz game the whole family will enjoy. Includes about 20 game modules, each in effect a separate game or quiz. Create your own modules with included editor. Fast-paced, entertaining, educational.
Twisted Tails
Old-time fairy tales with a hilarious new twist! Rapunzel, Cinderella, 8 more.
Generate a random wordsearch using the words you specify or a pre-defined Word List. Specify the dimensions and a difficulty level. Wordsearch is free if you change your IE start page to CoolFreeSoftware.com.
Революцию делают не голодные люди, а сытые, которых три дня не кормили. Неизв.
-- Занимаешься ли ты физкультурой, когда по радио пере- дают утреннюю физзарядку? -- Конечно. Но я делаю только первое упражнение. -- Это какое же? -- "Откройте форточку".
Вышел покурить, а там наплевано. Вышел поплевать, а там накурено.