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» Zip Utilities
ZipScan searches archive files. It can search Zip, CAB, RAR, ACE, InstallShield CAB, JAR, TAR, GZIP and OpenOffice files, including password-protected, nested and self-extracting archives. Supports text searching. Can open and extract files.
ZipWrangler allows you to manage .ZIP, .CAB and .LOK archive files. Compress your own archive files, extract files from downloaded archives; View/launch archive contents; span zips across multiple floppies; more. Free.
Unzipping (and zipping) made easy... and free... Finally!
CAM UnZip is an easy-to-use ZIP file utility that opens, creates and modifies ZIP files quickly and easily.
CCZip is a fast, efficient and powerful ZIP utility. It provides intuitive zipping, unzipping, disk spanning, SFX, and encoding. More importantly, it provides built-in tools to work with archive files without unzipping.
Directory Opus
The latest version of the very popular Directory Opus is an extremely powerful and configurable File Manager/Explorer Replacement for Windows. PCPlus Magazine (UK) said of Opus "The best File Manager and Windows Explorer Replacement known to man."
Want a ZIP utility that matches your level of experience? The intuitive interfaces are easy to use and designed for fast results. BitZipper's integral support for 18 file types means that this one tool will open most compressed files.
Строгость нрава у женщин - это белила и румяна, которыми они оттеняют свою красоту . Ф. Ларошфуко
Трое пьяных ползут по шпалам железной дороги. Изредка между собой разговаривают. Один говорит: -- Ч-черт! Какие высокие ступени понастроили! Второй: -- А перила -- низкие! Третий радостно: -- Ничего, ребята, вон смотрите, лифт идет...
Сранье без курения, что чай без варения.