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Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы



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AD Picture Viewer

This is the easy-to-use and compact image viewer that allows you to view, print and organaize your image collection with ease. It supports all popular graphic formats, can view images as slide-show and has other featurs such as image descriptions.

DownShift Download Manager

DownShift enhances your file downloading with resuming of broken downloads, easy error recovery, download acceleration, and many other features to give you faster and more flexible downloads. Get 100% error free downloading now!


BrainStorm enables high-speed thinking, planning and organizing. You can capture, store, modify and rearrange ideas and other info in a free-form tree-like and hyperlinked model. Publish and email these '3D' models as HTML or export as text outline.

Active Network Monitor

Active Network Monitor is a tool for the day-to-day monitoring of computers in the network. Active Network Monitor runs under Windows NT/2000/XP and allows Systems Administrators to gather information from all the computers in the network.


AbpMon v.2.0 for Win9x/ME/NT/2k/XP can "Free RAM" on demand, Different Alerts, Reboot, Restart, Shutdown System. It graphically shows in real time most popular system wide information about Windows in compact resizable Bar window and SysTray Icon.

Nine Men's Morris

Nine Men's Morris is an exciting capture and defend strategy game that is endlessly entertaining. If you like chess or checkers, you will love this award winning classic.

Ada Email Extractor XP

Search and extract Email addresses from the Hard Disk, address book, maillist files, Temporary Internet Files. Ada Email Extractor XP help you to collects Email addresses from any files or directories.

3D Matrix Screensaver

Do you want to see what's inside the Matrix? Well, you don't need to take the red pill and you'll always be able to return. This brand new 3D Matrix Screensaver will take you there in no time.

KaraWin Pro

Karaoke Midi MP3 CDG AVI for Windows 95, 98, NT, 2000 and XP Two main part : the explorator and juke box part. Explore your hard disk, create your own jukebox list. Up to 4 panels at the same time. Can read zip files Fully configurable midi.

Label Designer Plus DELUXE

A single, powerful product for all your labeling needs! Label Designer Plus DELUXE allows you to create great looking Address and Shipping Labels, CD/DVD Labels and Inserts, Envelopes, Post Cards, Name Badges, Signs and other media labels for audio

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...Все определяется тем, чего ищешь в жизни, и еще тем, что ты спрашиваешь с себя и с других.
С. Моэм


Муж с женой собираются на свадьбу. Муж, понятное дело,
быстренько собрался, а жена все крутится перед зеркалом, приме-
ряет наряды. И то не так, и се не так...
-- Скорее собирайся, мы же опоздаем!
Наконец вышли. Приходят к дому, где свадьбу играют, а
там один пьянчужка спит под забором, а другой, еле держась на
ногах, что-то лепечет.
Увидев эту картину, муж сердито говорит жене:
-- Видишь, люди уже гуляют, а мы еще только идем!


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