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» Scheduling
Process Them
Process Them is a unique email processor that allows you automatically process all emails you have in your POP3 or in Outlook Express or Microsoft Outlook e-mail client so you don't have to do it manually any more.
Schedule Random Shifts for Your Volunteers
The Rand-25 spreadsheet randomly schedules 25 people to 3 shifts per day for 52 weeks in response to the number of shifts that each person has pledged to work. It is an ideal tool for use in managing volunteers.
Pink Calendar and Day Planner
Pink Calendar is an fast, fun and easy to use Calendar and Day Planner program. The calendar is small enough to leave on the desktop. Click on it to open a day planner, type and entry and close (changes are saved automatically). Other cool features.
Schedule Random Tasks for Your Volunteers
The Rtasks Excel spreadsheet randomly schedules up to 100 people to up to 100 tasks. Multiple tasks are assigned to an individual if necessary to provide the number of people requires for each task. It is an ideal tool for use in managing volunteers.
Schedule Rotating Shifts for Your Employees
The Rotating-25 spreadsheet creates rotating or fixed shift schedules for up to 25 shifts per day for 25 people for up to a 52-week period. It is ideal for rotating days off in a 24/7 operation or rotating weekend coverage. Other sizes available.
Schedule Split Shifts for Your Employees with Excel
The Split-25 Excel spreadsheet creates schedules where each employee can be assigned to 1 or 2 categories (manager, cook, waiter, etc.), 1 or 2 locations (Store A, Store B, etc.) and 1 or 2 times each day for up to 4 weeks.
Schedules4Team is an ideal collaboration tool allowing you to create and access a common workgroup MS Outlook Calendar,Free/Busy time,share appointments,meetings,events and resources without a server.View in regular Outlook Calendar or TimeLine Grid.
Easy Appointment Scheduling Software
Easy-to-use appointment scheduling software that makes organizing your day, saving time, and increasing productivity as simple “viewing and clicking”. Try our Free Demo
Schedule It
'Schedule It' resource and task scheduling software. Complex projects, short or long term planning, staff scheduling, office equipment, meeting room planning, or employee planning you decide.
Я не нуждаюсь в друге, который повторяет каждый мой жест: это проделывает гораздо лучше моя тень. Плутарх
-- Шкаф моей жены так забит нарядами,-- жалуется мужчи- на своему приятелю,-- что моль, живущая в нем, никак не может научиться летать!
Продаётся : спирт БесПохмельный фирмы "Идёт бычок, шатается". Для бесов, страдающих похмельем.