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» Graphic Apps
Amazing 3D Aquarium - Animated Screensaver and Wallpaper
The EleFun Multimedia is glad to inform you about the release of its new product with add-ons, which is called "Amazing 3D Aquarium". Aquarium made with the application of 3D technologies is a beautiful animated underwater landscape and fishes.
SUPER Lines is a modern 3D remake of the famous Lines game. In this game you have to rule a balls, you form in lines for disappearance. The rules of SUPER Lines are almost the same, but now you may play different types of game and all in full 3D!
CoffeeCup Navigation Factory
Navigation Factory makes it easy to add all-in-one navigation to your website. You can customize the loading message before the applet appears; use gradient backgrounds; put images in your applets; make pop-up hints and more!
BackRex Outlook Backup
Backup Outlook mail folders, contacts, tasks, calendar, notes, message rules, signatures, stationery, custom preferences. In addition saves all Internet Explorer custom settings, including favorites and history.
Coin Organizer Deluxe
Coin Organizer Deluxe is a complete program that allows coin collectors, hobbyists, dealers, and clubs to organize, catalog, and manage their coin collections on their PCs.
IconLover is a complete icon and cursor solution. Use it to express your artistic nature
and create your own unique icons, cursors and other tiny images. Manage icon libraries,
and create a unique look and feel to your desktop and folders.
Captains Luck slots game
Captains Luck is beautiful slots casino game with unique design and ability to manually stop the discs. The game is absolutely free and does not require internet connection. Simply download it, launch it and enjoy!
File Monkey automates common file operations which would otherwise be tedious and time consuming. This package can split, search, replace, rename, alter case, generate lists, set attributes, encypt, decrypt, wipe, delete, extract and more
Lines Mania
In order to win put five or more balls in a line in the direction you like. You can move only one ball to any empty cell. Then if there is a line of five or more balls they disappear, you get points and then you can make another move.
ApacheConf is a shell (GUI) for configuring Apache web servers that will help you to tune the main configuration httpd.conf file. ApacheConf presents all the information in the httpd.conf file in a structured view.
Господь сотворил нас великими, мы же превратили себя в ничтожных. Серапион Владимирский
Однажды Иван перебрал в веселой компании и поздно ночью явился домой. Бьет кулаками в дверь: -- От-т-ткр-рой! -- Кто там? -- жена из-за двери. -- От-т-ткр-рои! -- Кто там? -- Ах, так?! Я ко-ко-ко-лода!.. Жена узнала, открыла. Муж хотел было войти, зацепился за порог и колодой упал на пол. Немного полежал, поднял голову и говорит: -- А теперь пили! Я уже дома!
КУПЛЮ: шланг поливочный "рабица"