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» Graphic Apps
Handy Finance for Palm
Money management and expense tracking on Palm. Reports, analysis, planning, accounting. Desktop module, export to Excel. Personal, home and business use. Palm OS 5 support: small hires fonts, T3 fullscreen, 5-way navigator.
MiniNotes is designed to fast-track and organize text files on your desktop while you work. It was orginally developed as a software development tool, someplace where you could keep a multiple of text files organized while you work.
But you can do
Feed the Snake
You must control the snake who is going to the long and hard travel around the planet Snakeus. Snake should eat a little for the travel. So the target of this snake game is eat, eat and eat. From the little worm you can grow to the big mighty snake.
HDD Temperature Pro
HDD Temperature is monitoring software that protects your hard-drives from getting overheated. Temperature Pro can monitor multiple HDDs, work as network service and send e-mail alerts to the system administrators.
Abacre Web Site Uploader
Upload your web site project with one click using this powerful FTP sync client; it is easy to set up, and easy to use. Small, powerful, and extremely fast, with excellent help
Atrex inventory control/point of sale is designed for the business that needs a powerful business automation tool without a big price tag. Atrex provides for invoicing, orders, quotes, purchase orders, AR, AP, and real time inventory control.
Use MsgConnect to exchange information between parts of your application that work on the same or on different computers. MsgConnect is a cross-platform message-oriented middleware that can be used in both client-server and peer-to-peer modes.
To be connected to the world has never been so easy and safe. The Gate-and-Way Control Panel guarantees one simple solution in the complex world of the Unified Messaging System: MAIL, FAX, INTERNET, VOICE, BACKUP, REMOTE ACCESS. Automatic and simple.
CDRipper copies tracks from audio CDs and saves them in WAV. Handy and nice-looking interface allows you to work easy and productive. FreeDDB support, multi-language interface, possibility of copying any part of CD are some of features of CDRipper.
Data Stash
Hide your files easily and discreetly! Data Stash is a clever little steganographic security tool that allows you to hide sensitive data files within other files with password protection. The receptacle file remains FULLY functional!
Я часто убеждался в том, что простое слово благотворно действует на множество людей, и не автор слова, а само оно приводит в движение души, скрыто проявляя свою силу. Ф. Петрарка
Официант спрашивает посетителя: -- К мясу подать салат, спаржу или бамбук? -- Я не панда,-чтобы питаться бамбуком. -- Да, но этот зверек сам добывает листья бамбука, лазая по деревьям, и ест листья.сырыми. А вы сидите за столиком, и я вам могу принести веточки молодого бамбука в соусе.
Все, что удачно складувается, кончается плачевно.