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» Graphic Apps
MZL & Novatech Traffic Statistics
MZL & Novatech TrafficStatistic shows accumulated bandwidth usage of a network interface like ethernet, DSL or PPP in tray. It generates IP traffic statistics IPDR data and can generate reports on his top bandwidth consumers cut by host and service.
CyberMatrix Class Scheduler
CyberMatrix Class Scheduler is an easy to use single or multi-user application for scheduling student's classes. The software is ideal for schools and other institutions that need to quickly schedule classes.
Zortam Mp3 Media Studio
Zortam Mp3 Media Studio is all-in-one MP3 organizer for converting audio CD to MP3 and WAV format (CD Ripper) using CDDB, editing ID3 tags (Mp3 ID3 Tag Editor), Wav/Mp3 Conveter with support for ID3v1 and ID3v2), renaming files.
Little Bombers
This modern remake of the classic game is fast, engaging and explosive adventure for every arcade-games lover! The Little Bombers return to destroy all the dangerous monsters and enemies, and you are to help them. Are you a brilliant bomberman?
The .Net event recurring component that enables you to create recurrence patterns for calendar and organizer like applications; financial market and trading applications; automated tasks schedule applications.
Bigle 3D
Bigle 3D is a stereogram generator. To create you own stereogram, give a background, and a greyed image that contain the 3D information: So more an area is dark, so more it's far away. Everything is realised in a Wizard.
Elprime Clock Pro
Elprime Clock is a nice and useful analog clock for your desktop transparent both in Windows 98/Me and 2000/NT/XP
Image Viewer
View and resize digital images quickly and easily with the Markosoft Image Viewer. Features include a thumbnail viewer and a full screen slide show.
Alive! Jigsaw Producer
Alive! Jigsaw Producer is a tool for fast and easy creation of professional-looking jigsaw puzzles with customizable animated interface from your own pictures and video files. Supported formats are JPG, WMF and AVI.
Form-filling gallery submission and doorway building software. Features include: Automatic Category Selection, Mirror Pages Creator, Rules Checking, 600-TGP Database, Database Editor.
Девицы вообще подобны шашкам: не всякой удается, но всякой желается попасть в дамки. К. Прутков
Идет русский по пустыне с попугаем на плече. Навстречу араб с удавом на шее. Араб спрашивает русского: -- А правда, что ты стакан водки выпьешь и не закусишь? -- Да,-- и выпил. На попугая: "Ху-у-у". Попугай: "Бр-р-р". -- А правда, что ты второй стакан выпьешь и не закусишь? -- Да,-- и опять: "Ху-у-у" и "Бр-р-р". -- А правда... Попугай: -- И третий, и четвертый, а потом дадим тебе по голове и съедим твоего червяка.
Глаза его смотрели на меня таким взглядом, что от счастья можно было двинуться с ума.