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» Graphic Apps
Complete Audio Converter Pro
An audio encoder/decoder (converter/player) and CD ripper utility for Windows. Supported formats: MP3 (including VBR), WMA, WAV, ADPCM, GSM, DSP, MP2, PCM (uncompressed Wave), OGG Vorbis, G721, G723, G726, A-LAW, U-LAW and RAW.
AD Three Bears - Animated Wallpaper
In its product range the Elefun Company has released a new theme "Three bears" for the Animated Desktop Wallpapers and
Screensavers. The moment you see the bears you will realize that you have already seen them once.
IP Ad Blocker
Block IP Popup Ads, those annoying little ads that pop up on your desktop in little gray windows. Our IP Ad Blocker software will stop them dead in their tracks with the click of a button.
CoffeeCup Button Factory
The most complete, easiest-to-use button maker on the Web. Use your own .gif or .jpg images to create Butttons, Menus and Navigation in Java or Flash.
AutoSpell for Outlook Express
Enhance Outlook Express with full-featured, automatic spell checking! AutoSpell for Outlook Express automatically checks spelling whenever you click Send. With support for over 16 languages & custom dictionaries, email messages will look their best.
Ezy Invoice 3000
Create and manage your Invoices, Quotes, Credit & Debit Notes, Delivery Orders, Letters & Faxes. Manage your Inventory & Accounts Receivables. Instant access to Sales, Receipts, Debtors, Tax & Inventory Reports. Export reports to PDF, Excel & others.
EZ-Pix is fast, highly functional viewer with support for all common image formats. It has an streamlined interface and is simple to use. Despite its simplicity it offers many advanced functions, such as thumbnails, exporting to HTML & thumbsheets
Barcode Maker
Make EAN 13, EAN 8, UPC A, UPC E, ISBN barcodes and they all support No, 2, 5 Digit supplement. Barcode Maker also supports Code 39 (Code 3 of 9), SCC14, Code 2 of 5 Interleaved, Codabar. All barcodes can be saved as a high resolution TIFF.
Try this fully automatic backup software which only requires you to create a backup job and specify when to execute it. The program can be configured to run jobs on startup or at given time. It allows data compression and makes sure you feel safe!
Необыкновенные личности делают честь человеческому уму, но не определяют правил его бытия. Ф. Шатобриан
Нищий стучит в дверь. Хозяйка: -- Мне очень жаль, но сегодня в доме нет ни гроша, прихо- дите завтра. -- Ну, нет! Я уже однажды разорился, давая кому попало в кредит!
П Р О Д А М: тумбочку под пианино