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» Graphic Apps
EasyCert 70-219 Exam Simulator
Pass your MCSE 70-219 exam with EasyCert 70-219 exam simulator, the most effective training software for the Microsoft certification exams.
.NET Communication Library
The .NET Framework lacks support for some network protocols. With Smilla’s .NET Communication Library, developers can add NNTP to their .NET apps. It is written in C# and is distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public License.
024h Lucky Reminder
024h Lucky Reminder is award-winning reminder software for home and office. Stop missing important events in your life! Comprehensive scheduling, support of recurrent events (daily, weekly, monthly, custom), sounds, network synchronization, and more cool features!
Automatically detect ad popup window and non-ad popup in IE.
Destroys pop-ups before they open.
Speeds up your surfing by stopping all unsollicited pop ups.
Audible alerts let you know when popup has been killed
1 Party Poker Premium Edition
This program will let you play people all over the world for FREE. If your feeling Lucky you can always try playing for real money. Use bonus code JOHNNY911 for FREE REAL MONEYT TO TRY WITH.
1KeyTools GetEmAll Kyb IE
Get selected links with one keypress, browse offline later in IE.
No need to stay connected whilst you view the download web page. No new browser to learn. Simply use this Internet Explorer add-on. Pro version has extra functions.
2D/3D Horizontal Bar Graph Software
2D / 3D Horizontal Bar Graph provides both a client and server side solution for the incorporation of bar graphs into web pages. Versatile components enable web authors and Java developers to easily build and publish dynamic and interactive bar graph
2JPEG is a reliable batch graphics converter allowing you to convert images to jpeg format from 50 image file types. The program has no windows interface and processes multiple files at a time. With 2JPEG you can edit images before converting.
5 Star Word Engine
Think you're pretty good at Scrabble? Hardly anyone can beat you at Boggle? Then try this one! From a randomly selected set of letters it is you versus the computer to find the longest word.
Warning: The game is highly addictive!
A PDF2Image Converter
ABC Amber PDF2Image Converter was developed to help you convert your PDF documents to any graphics format you wish (BMP, WMF, EMF, JPG, GIF, PNG, TIFF, PCX, PCC, DCX, PBM, PGM, PPM, TGA, VST, AFI). The software supports a command line and more than 5
Пора бы перестать печалиться о том, Что истинных людей не сыщешь днем с огнем. аль-Маарри
- у меня с большевиками расхождение только по аграрному воп росу, - говорит Рабинович. - Они хотят, чтобы я лежал в земле, а я хочу, чтобы они лежали в земле!
У женщин своя логика - думают мужчины; все мужчины сволочи - думают женщины.