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Guide to Higher Education in Europe
This is an excellent guide for pursuing Higher Education in Europe. It covers all the aspects in complete detail. It is a must for anyone who wants to pursue higher education in Europe. It contains indepth & complete information on European Education
Guitar Chords Library
Find chords (more then 3000), select different type and mode play of guitar for playing chords (more then 72000 MIDI files) and songs, songbook. You can use the metronome and MIDI Player for training. You can see how a chord is construction.
HardKey License Manager
HardKey System is easy and powerfull license manager and work with short (15-25 chars) keys. Program based on strong asymetric (public keys) cryptography.
High efficient dynamic hash table with tree organization
Heybaby (For PalmOS)
Baby on the way? Track your preganancy, daily info. with pictures, baby name ideas, Chinese birthing chart and much more.
HIME: Huge Integer Math and Encryption
Library with encryption functions (public key/secret key) and huge integer math functions. RSA public key, AES (Rijndael) secret key encryption, SHA-256 hash function, PRNG: Blum-Blum-Shub and RSA, Diffie-Hellman.
For every programming language.
Home Brew Log 2
It is true that a home brewers progress towards perfection in beer making is proportional to the brewing records kept. Record all the details of every brew you produce, print reports, labels, tasting sheets and a shopping list. Very user friendly.
honestech Burn DVD
You can use “Burn DVD” to produce DVD, VCD or SVCD from movie files or music video files saved on your hard disk in various formats (MPEG, AVI, DV-AVI, WMV, ASF). Its simple and intuitive GUI allows anyone to use it easily.
honestech MPEG Encoder
Honest Technology’s MPEG Encoder 5.0 for converting and compressing AVI, DV-AVI, DivX & MPEG-4 files to MPEG-1&-2 formats (including VCD, SVCD & DVD). Very powerful, easy to use and affordable, it guarantees the highest quality encoding.
honestech Video Editor
honestech Video Editor 5.0 continues Honest Technology’s tradition of building sophisticated yet elegantly simple to use digital video editing programs! Designed for beginner to intermediate level users, honestech Video Editor makes the revision easy
Падает камень на кувшин - горе кувшину, падает кувшин на камень - горе кувшину; так или иначе, все горе кувшину. Талмуд
В Одессе открыли публичный дом для иностранных моряков. Даб соблюсти приличие, его назвали НИИПС - Научно-Исследовательский Институт Половых Связей. Работа в институте шла отлично. - в чем секрет ваших успехов? - спросил журналист директора института. - это единственный нии в стране, где не занимаются онанизмом!
Сколько не кипяти одноразовые шприцы, бульон наваристее не будет.