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Real cryptograms on your Windows computer. All the challenge and enjoyment of solving
cryptograms exactly like the ones found in newspapers or magazines. Make your own cryptograms instantly. Just type in a favorite quotation and click a button.
Crossdown Game Edition
Real crossword puzzles on your Windows computer. All the challenge and enjoyment of solving
crosswords exactly like the ones found in newspapers or magazines. Print them out for traditional pencil-and-paper solving.
Crossdown is a professional crossword puzzle development application. Use it to construct real crosswords just like the kind which appear in newspapers and magazines. With Crossdown's many features, routine tasks and errors are eliminated.
Enigmacross Game Edition
Real acrostic puzzles on your Windows computer. All the challenge and enjoyment of solving acrostics exactly like the ones found in newspapers or magazines. Print them out for traditional pencil-and-paper solving.
Enigmacross is a professional acrostic puzzle development application. Use it to construct real acrostics just like the kind which appear in newspapers and magazines. With Enigmacross's many features, routine tasks and errors are eliminated.
К дурацкому занятью приступая, Мы мудрецами кажемся, блистая Ученейшими терминами... Д. Чосер
Родился у чукчи сын. Принесли его в загс регистрировать. -- Фамилия? -- Юкагир. -- Имя, отчество? -- Митрофан Степанович. -- Национальность? -- Китаец. -- Послушай, ты -- чукча, жена твоя -- чукча. Какой же он китаец? -- Это мой третий ребенок. А в газете написано, что каждый третий ребенок, который рождается в мире,-- китаец.
В вихре яростных атак не расквась себе пятак. A(c).