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Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы


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Super Pop'n'Fish

Something's fishy in this fun and fast paced new puzzle game. Fish float to the top - it's your job to guide them into groups of three or more to set them free. Send enough of them on their way and you move to the next level.


Tank-o-Box is a new action-packed remake of a classic arcade battle tank game. Destroy all enemy panzers and defend your headquarters. Modern 3D graphics and sound guarantee the ultimate battle-tanking experience. 50+ levels.

Tetcolor for Windows

Balanced tetris-style game with intuitive rules, midi player and skins. Rotate falling blocks to line up three or more of the same color. High scores are recorded, and an honor roll contains nice funny icons. Suitable for all ages.

The Bouncy Killer

A fast and funny arcade remake of an old VIC20 game. By Bottomap Software.


TombClimber is a 2D Platform-Labyrinth Jump and Run Game. You have to find your way through labyrinths, fight monsters, avoid traps and colleact treasures. Discover completely unexplored, subterranean tombs of the old forgotten Pharaohs!


Moonpod’s Starscape mixes arcade game play with characterisation and involving plot. With most of its crew missing the space station Aegis is all but lost. As last remaining pilot you must defend the station against the evil Archnid race.

Tiny Cars

Tiny Cars is an amusing arcade racing game with a top-down view and colored racing tracks. The game consists of successive passing a series of championships. Speed, tension, will for winning along with childish graphics is fun for adults and kids.

The Magic Seal

The Magic Seal is an action/puzzle adventure in which, you are a prince whose son was kidnapped by an evil wizard. You go to the wizard's palace, searching for your son. The palace is filled with puzzles, monsters, secret rooms, and traps. You have to overcome all this, looking for your son.

Real WebInfo

It works closely with Internet Explorer. Just click the mouse to get all the websites information you are browsing: website location, IP Address, server info, whois info, Alexa site info, Whois Source, Google site info, IP Neighborhood, Reverse IP...


Platypus is one of the most unique looking games ever created. All of its visuals were created using photographed plasticine (clay). Help the peaceful land of Mungola defend themselves against the attacking hordes of Collosatropolis!

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