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A program to receive weather reports, navigational warnings and weather charts transmitted on longwave and shortwave bands in RTTY, NAVTEX and HF-FAX (WEFAX) modes. Only receiver and computer with a sound card are necessary.
A program for amateur radio digital communications via a sound card. Supported modes are RTTY (Baudot code), ASCII (7 or 8 bits), PSK31(BPSK and QPSK), BPSK63,AMTOR (SITOR, NAVTEX), MultiFSK-16, HF- and UHF-PACKET (AX25), DTMF.
WinMorse is a FREE text to morse code conversion application for Windows.
WinMorse converts text into morse code, using various output formats.
CwType morse terminal
The terminal program for CW-operators. You can transmit both from the keyboard and from the paddle connected to a joystick or LPT connector. The handle of the transceiver (PTT and CW keying) is made through one of the COM- or LPT-ports.
CwGet morse decoder
Program to decode Morse code (CW) via sound card to text. No additional hardware required - your need only receiver and computer with sound card. Can cooperate with RZ4AG AAlog logger. It is software Morse decoder that REALLY work!
Code Weaver
A fun program that outputs text as Morse code. Supplied with a library of assorted sounds including Morse code at 20 to 100 wpm and other novelty code sounds such as simulated transmissions from antique spark transmitters...or roll your own sounds.
Человек - это звучит гордо, а выглядит отвратительно. Куклы
На процессе по делу директора фирмы, присвоившего большие деньги, судья вызывает в качестве свидетеля молодую де- вушку-секретаршу и предупреждает ее: -- Вы знаете, надеюсь, что можете получить за дачу ложных показаний? -- Да, ваша честь, шеф что-то говорил мне о пяти тысячах долларов...
Лежу я и не жуя ее лижу я, нежу я ее.