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» Anti-spam Tools
spamBat is the low cost spam solution eliminating it before you download it to your PC and without the complicated filter creation, maintenance and false positive failures of ordinary spam filter applications.
SpamGunner is a powerful Anti-Spam Product for Consumers and Small Businesses. It can check multiple accounts synchronously, kill email viruses quickly, provide a variety of filters with wildcards, and support multi-byte charcacter preview.
Mail Storage Guard
Mail Storage Guard is an extension for Microsoft Exchange 2000/2003 and IIS SMTP servers, designed to protect your server from spam, prevents mail relaying, mail-bomb and NDR attacks. Work at SMTP and at storage levels.
Babastik's AntiSpam Personal
The no nonsense, no compromise solution to stopping unsolicited email from cluttering your inbox. For Microsoft® Windows 98/Me/NT/2000 and XP.
Совершенно очевидно одно - то, что я ненавижу простоту во всех ее формах. С. Дали
- что будет, если Брежнева проглотит крокодил - он две недели будет срать орденами.
Точка зрения зависит от точки сидения.