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» Antispam
SPAMfighter stops unsolicited spam mails before they reach your desktop. Take advantage of our peer-to-peer collaborative spam server to automatically stop spam. Works with Outlook and Outlook Express. Supports English, German, French, Spanish +
SpamChoke for Windows
SpamChoke antispam software works automatically to eliminate spam emails. SpamChoke supports all popular email clients.
SPAMfighter Standard
Free Spam Filter for Outlook and Outlook Express. Join the more than 500,000 SPAMfighters in 160 countries that have a clean inbox. SPAMfighter supports English, German, French, Spanish, Swedish, Norwegian, Dutch, Italian, Suomi and Danish.
SPAMfighter Exchange Module
SPAMfighter Exchange module (SEM), is the easy-to-use anti-spam solution for Microsoft Exchange Servers. SEM delivers instant spam protection with no configuration/maintenance to help the small/medium-sized businesses get rid of spam.
VisNetic MailServer
VisNetic Mail Server is a high performance mail server with an extensive, highly configurable feature set. This secure mail server is also ideal for use as a gateway mail server, features built-in anti spam, Web mail and an instant messaging server.
Zaep AntiSpam
Zaep AntiSpam eliminates 100% of the spam you receive without the added hassle of "reviewing" spam for good messages. Use Zaep AntiSpam with your email accounts and you will will never have to look at another spam message again.
Flystrike Spam Interrogator
Flystrike Spam Interrogator helps the user identify unsolicited messages for remote deletion by performing an Inventory of tests before the final download from the POP server. Offensive messages can be relayed to abuse authorities.
CoffeeCup Spam Blocker
Spam Blocker works with any POP3 email account. It checks your HTML and Text email and removes spam right from the mail server so you never see it in your regular inbox. Spam Blocker automatically Removes Attached Viruses and more.
No Hawkers - AntiSpam
No Hawkers - Antispam is a peer-to-peer spam stopping solution. Using the same community technology that makes other products some of the largest sharing communities in the world No Hawkers brings the spam fighting effort into a new age.
[циклоп Полифем о себе] Муж красив бородой и колючей щетиной на теле. Овидий
Фиделю Кастро устроили горячую встречу в Москве. Оставшись Хрущевым наедине, он срывает парик, отклеивает бороду и, обесси- ленный, опускается на стул: - не могу больше... - надо, Федя, надо!!
Брелок для ключей это такая маленькая фигулька, которая позволяет потерять все ключи одновременно.