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Web Site Robot
Easy to use blog tool that also creates and hosts your web site. There is no need for additional software, HTML, programming skills, or even a Web hosting company. Keeps your Web site, online photo album, and shopping cart alongside your blog page.
Broadcast Builder Enterprise
Broadcast Builder Enterprise includes the same functionality as the Personal Edition plus more. You are able to produce script driven newsfeeds (RSS/XML) as well as export and import from databases that are located on local drives, networks.
Desktop blogging application that will greatly simplify posting to your blog. It is user-friendly, easy to use and elegant. Contains WYSIWYG editor and automatically uploads pictures. Supports most of blog services (Blogger, TypePad, MovableType,...)
Broadcast Builder
Broadcast Builder allows you to create RSS (Really Simple Syndication) channels & Weblogs (Blogs) quickly and easily.
Archetype 2.0 is designed to save you time setting up and maintaining your personal website. Using Archetype you will have more time to enjoy creating memories for your site rather than updating your site.
Вера без дел мертва. Иисус Христос
Путешественник рассказывал, как они вдвоем со слугой заставили бежать полсотни арабов. -- Не может быть! Пятьдесят арабов? -- не поверили слушатели. -- А то и все шестьдесят! Да еще как бежали! Мы от них, а они за нами.
Фильм: "Национальность особенной охоты"