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» Business Finance
Resume Builder
Powerful resume writing application will help you create a great looking professional visualy exciting resume. Our application does the thinking and writing for you.
True Trend Charts
The True Trend Charts does what its name indicates, it in real-time shows in a very easy to use graph exactly how over- or undervalued the intraday market is at any given time throughout the trading day.
Paraben's Financial Calculators
Perform any financial calcualation imaginable with Paraben's Financial Calculators. With this collection of 33 financial calculators, schedules, and advisors, all you have to do is fill in the blanks and let the program do the rest.
ACH Wizard
ACH Wizard provides businesses with the easiest way to create ACH origination files. The software allows your business to perform Direct Deposit, State and Federal Tax Payments, Payroll, Debit or Credit recurring dues and fees.
My Checkbook
My Checkbook makes managing your personal finances a snap. With simple daily entry and automatic balance features, you'll never bounce a check again! Easily manage your automatic transactions with the schedule feature or use it to remind you.
PbxTools PhoneJournal
PbxTools PhoneJournal is a call accounting software designed for small and medium offices that can help reducing the phone bill and give real-time information about outgoing and incoming calls inside the company.
Have a new business idea? Budget21.com is a Web-based budgeting, forecasting and business planning software. This service enables a business manager to prepare forecasts or a complete Business Plan consisting of a strategy and financial projections.
EzyTrans 2003
Teach your bank statements to reconcile themselves and reduce your accounting data entry up to 80%. Import and export transactions to your favorite accounting package, including Quicken MS Money, or even Excel.
Жить - значит походить на кого-либо. П. Валери
-- Знаешь, мамочка, я в полной растерянности! Посоветуй, что мне делать, кого из троих выбрать: один много зарабатывает, второй умный, а третий прекрасно танцует. -- А тот первый,-- говорит мать,-- не мог бы научиться тан- цевать и читать?
Презерватив - символ молодости, а зубочистка - старости