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» Calculators
Echoview Pro
An integrated suite of powerful, interactive music calculating tools for musicians, sound engineers and producers. With Echoview Pro you can calculate beat times, perform sample calculations, tap tempo, tuner, MIDI chord analysis, metronome and more.
Casting Calculator
Casting Calculator is an Ideal Tool for computing and converting Precious Metals and Alloys in Lost Wax Casting. A must for Jewelry Professionals, Manufactures, Hobbyists and Laymen. Just enter the Weight of your mounting or jewelry.
Cresotech Convert-It
Cresotech CONVERT-IT is a convenient Pocket PC based tool to convert different measuring system units into each other, and much more!
Gold Calculator
Gold Calculator Computes Gold, Silver, Sterling and Platinum in Kilos, Oz, Dwt, grams, grains and pure ounces. Saves all calculations to file and will print.
ESBCalc is a Freeware Win32 Scientific Calculator with Infix Notation, Brackets, Scientific Functions, Memory, Paper Trail, Result History List and more. Now includes customising of the Colours used and customising how the Hints (ToolTips) appear.
DateDecode (For PalmOS)
Do you like going like car auctions, garage sales or antique auctions? Are you a car enthusiast that would like to know more about a car from the VIN Number? If so, this powerful program helps you to determine the age of an item.
FinancialPak 4.0 - Personal Finance Calculators
Personal Finance Calculators which provide quick answers to your financial questions in the privacy of your own home or office. Future Value of an Investment, Payments, Depreciation, Interest Rate, Internal Rate of Return. Its All Here!
Free DreamCalc
DreamCalc is the de-facto standard FREE photo realistic scientific calculator for Windows. It is the only choice which allows you to throw away your desk calculator. Fully featured and naturally convenient to use. Screenshot a Must See!
Able Graphic Manager
View, convert and print graphic files in normal, batch and command line modes. Input formats: DXF, TIF, JPG, JP2, PCX, BMP, DIB, RLE, PNG, WMF, EMF, TGA, VDA, ICB, VST, PIX, PXM, PPM, PGM, ICO, CUR. Output: JPG, TIF, PCX, PNG, BMP, GIF,TGA,WMF,EMF.
Desktop Dozen
An amazing 12-tool collection! Postage Calculator, Time Calculator, Date Calculator, Alarm Clock, Area Code Finder, Zip Code Finder, Astronomy Calculator, State Abbreviations, Perpetual Calendar, Measurement Converter, Stopwatch, Printing Calculator.
Кто хочет невозможного, мне мил. И. Гёте
- что такое "Советиш Геймланд" - это московский журнал, национальный по форме и антисемитский по содержанию.
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