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В начало » Business » Calculators

WMD SWAG PalmOS Bundle

WMD SWAG quickly analyzes your observations at a disaster site and provides a fast, scientific guess of which agents of mass destruction are most likely involved. Just mark checkboxes beside any conditions you observe in the field, then view results.


Graphing scientific calculator with ample support for user defined functions and libraries. Numeric features include derivation, integration, Monte Carlo simulations, Runge Kutta, matrix inversion, nonlinear equation systems, function minimizer.

USPExpress Math Parser

USPExpress Math Parser is a component aimed to parse and evaluate scientific, engineering and math expressions on-the-fly. There are .NET and COM editions of USPExpress available.


Award-winning unit conversion program. Hundreds of units are included, along with detailed descriptions giving the history and definitions of units. Features include conversion tables, adjustable number of decimal places, and conversion formulas.

Unit Converter Pro

Unit Converter Pro can convert 1400 different units in 76 categories. It contains the most important conversion factors for lenght, mass, area, ... . It offers fully customizable databases. The version 2 allows you to create conversion tables.

Visual Paradigm for UML (Standard Edition) for Java Platform

Visual Paradigm for UML is a platform-independent UML tool that runs on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X. VP-UML supports all UML diagrams, reverse engineering (Java, C++, XML, CORBA IDL, DotNET dll...), code generation, import Rational Rose, plugin, etc.

Solution Solver

Spend your time accomplishing your primary work and let Solution Solver assist you. Solution Solver can perform dilution equations, conversions, solution problems, radioactive decay equations, and much more!

RPN Engineering Calculator

This RPN Calculator offers a choice of more than 240 solutions with 6 unique keyboards: Standard, Engineering, Binary, Magnetics, Trig, and Convert. It has a complete help system with individual tips for all but the most ordinary functions.

Troy Ounce Conversion Tool

Troy Oz Coversion Tool Converts and Computes and gives the complet breakdown of Troy ounces in Kilos, Oz, Dwt, grams, and grains. Just enter the weight and Troy Oz Conversion Tool will do the rest.

Virtual Trumpet

Play a Virtual Trumpet on your Windows PC - real trumpet audio sounds, open and harmon mute sound libraries. Play MIDI and Audio sounds! You can create your own "Licks" for automatic playback.

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Время есть величайший из новаторов.
Ф. Бэкон


Купил Мартын пуд соли. Вышел из магазина и говорит:
-- Что-то маловато на пуд. Недовесили, черти!
Но возвращаться поленился. Прошел с километр.
-- Нет, все-таки честно взвесили...
Может, еще с километр прошел. Бросил мешок на землю:
-- Просил же пуд! Сколько они туда насыпали!


Снесла курочка Ряба дедушке яичко... начисто.

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