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» Calculators
Diamond Calculator
Diamonds Calculator takes over where the Rap Sheet leaves off. Calculates weight shapes sizes cuts of mounted and unmounted to Market price. Calculates the Round Marquise Emerald Oval Heart Pear Princess Trillion Triangle and the Radiant Diamond.
Gold Calculator Gold Edition
Calculates Gold to market price, in Kilos, Oz, Dwt, grams, grains and pure ounces. Saves all calculations to file and will print. A must have for all Jewelry Professionals, consumers and laymen. Just enter the market price and it does the rest.
1st Calculator
Handy and useful expression calculator and converter with skins and lots of features
Tiny but smart calculator: just type in any expression, like "2+3/7.1-3sqr 5", and hit Enter; then modify it and evaluate again without re-entering everything. 18-digit precision, 30 functions, 12 memories, fractions, deg/min/sec, more!
Multi-function calculator and unit conversion utility. Four modes of operation (statistics, trigonometry, base-n, and unit conversion). Many functions, formula entry mode. Up to 26 separate memory registers. Even includes periodic table of elements.
Easy free small Calculator and Euro converter. Stay on top, remove conversion and remove keyboard options.
Gold Calculator Lite
Gold Calculator Lite Computes Gold, in Kilos, Oz, Dwt, grams, and grains to market price.
Conversion software that converts over 600 different measurements. Linear Measure, Area, Temperature, Weight, Liquid, Volume, Speed and Time measurements can all be converted within their specific category.
EstiMaker PalmOS
EstiMaker is designed to help electrical professionals with the estimating/bidding process, letting an estimator create a take-off estimate in, generally, at least a third of the usual time.
ActiCalc Desktop Calculator
An easy-to-use calculator with a visual tape that works like a spreadsheet, saving all calculations and permitting entries to be updated. One-click integration with Microsoft Excel allows simple calculations to evolve into complex spreadsheets.
Многие вещи нам непонятны не потому, что наши понятия слабы, но потому, что сии вещи не входят в круг наших понятий. К. Прутков
В цветочный магазин заходит покупатель и просит про- дать ему горшок с геранью. -- К сожалению, герани у нас сегодня нет,-- отвечает прода- вец.-- Но, может быть, вас устроят хризантемы -- они намного кра- сивей и, наверняка, удовлетворят вкусу той, кому вы их подарите. -- Увы,-- отвечает покупатель.-- Хризантемы не подойдут. Я обещал жене поливать герань, пока она гостит у матери.
П Р О Д А М: слуховые аппараты (стерео, с эквалайзером и возможностью повторить услышанное)