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В начало » Education » Chemistry

The Atom Builder

Chemistry teaching software which simulates the building of any of the first 20 atoms (up to calcium) on screen. Learn how atoms are formed from electrons, protons and neutrons and how the electrons are arranged in shells or energy levels.

300 Science Quizzes

300 Science Quizzes: 150 Capital city quizzes, 120 Chemistry and Periodic Table quizzes, 20 Astronomy picture-quizzes and 10 questions about the speed of light for middle and high school students.

Ionic Bonding

Chemistry teaching software which simulates the bonding of Ionic compounds on screen. Learn how Ionic compounds are formed by atoms gaining and losing electrons. Includes a reference section to support students learning.


Convert density of ethanol-water mixtures to and from concentration expressed in Mass, Volume or Molar terms. Covers concentrations from 0% to 100% and temperatures from 10C to 100C. Calculate blending ratios based on source or blend properties.


CHEMIX School - Software for Chemistry It is equipped with a periodic table, molecular 3-D viewer, curve fit, spectroscopy, conversion table, dictionary and many advanced calculators. Chemistry lessons and problems are included.

Five Cellular Automata

Ssoftware for exploring five cellular automata: q-state Life, the Belousov-Zhabotinsky Reaction, Togetherness, Viral Replication and Diffusion-Limited Aggregation


DigitizeIt can automatically digitize (x,y)-data from scanned graphs. Data values are transformed to a specified axes system and can be saved in ASCII format, ready to use in other applications. Can read most image formats (gif, png, tiff,bmp).

Covalent Bonding

Chemistry teaching software which simulates the bonding of covalent compounds on screen. Learn how covalent compounds are formed by atoms sharing electrons. Includes a reference section to support students learning with basic facts and information.


Modeling software to simulate the chemical kinetics and equilibrium of combustion, nuclear, catalyst reactor (CSTR) and enzyme reactions. Software can also fit/regress any entered parameters against chemical data and perform sensitivit

Atoms, Symbols and Equations

Unique interactive multimedia Chemistry teaching software that tests students as they learn. Topics include: elements, atoms and molecules, word equations, chemical symbols, Periodic Table, chemical formulas, balancing chemical equations.

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