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MessLess Collector
MessLess Collector is a collection and inventory tracking software that is completely customizable! It comes with 16 different varieties of data entrance fields you can add, delete or modify to make managing your collection easy. Try it free now!
For The Record
For The Record is a Windows based program that helps organize your record albums quickly and effectively. The program allows you to enter the artist names and record albums for each artist into the database.
Perfect Wine
Perfect Wine is the organizer for everyone that have and like wine. Keep your information's about the wine, vineyard and grape in an easy to use solution. You can even rate the wine. Get the complete overview of all you wine. Included print reports.
Coin Collector Professional
This is the perfect computer program for anyone into Coin Collecting, from novices to pro's. This program lets you record detailed information about each coin, such as: COIN AQUIRED FROM, ADDRESS, TELEPHONE, EMAIL, NOTES, COMMENTS, TYPE OF COIN.
Doll Collector Professional
If you collect Dolls, either as a hobby or have a business, this program is for you to keep those dolls organized and much more. This program lets you record detailed information about each of your Dolls, such as: Source Aquired From Info.
Fishing Lure Collector Pro
This is the pefect program for Fishing Lure Collectors to keep those lures organized and much more. This program lets you record detailed information about each of your lures, such as: DATE LURE WAS AQUIRED, ID OR PAT#, DESCRIPTION, CONDITION.
Lincoln Cent Collector
If you collect Lincon Cents, just for fun or profit, this program is for you to keep those coins organized and much more. This program lets you record detailed information about each of your LIncoln Cents.
Lottery Ticket Collector Professional
If you collect instant scratch off lottery tickets, this program is for you to keep those tickets organized and much more.This program lets you record detailed information about each of your tickets, such as: Source Aquired From, Source Address,Email
Когда человеку кажется, что он причиняет зло кому-то, в самом деле он вредит только себе. Авессалом Подводный
Два мафиози на Сицилии получили задание убить треть- его, который должен был появиться в шесть вечера у" входа в кафе. Они ждали его до восьми. -- Надеюсь,-- сказал один мафиози,-- с ним не случилось ничего плохого.
Товарищи курсанты, ваши фамилии ? - Иванов, Петров, Сидоров! - Вы что, братья? - Hет, однофамильцы.