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Send-Safe Email List Manager
Email list management software - fast and easy. Provides rich set of functions (extract, clean, merge lists, remove, filter, separate, randomize and etc.), has no maillists size limit, handles multi-column lists, supports automation of tasks.
Secure Network Messenger
Secure Network Messenger (SNM) - is a real time network communication program able to send and receive messages and files from one computer to another without using dedicated servers
Secure Network Chat
Secure Network Chat (SNC) - is a text chat able to solve all the problems in communication between your company staff members cardinally. SNC is especially designed to work with medium and large local area networks
A program to receive weather reports, navigational warnings and weather charts transmitted on longwave and shortwave bands in RTTY, NAVTEX and HF-FAX (WEFAX) modes. Only receiver and computer with a sound card are necessary.
ShixxNOTE 6.net is a personal organizer, desktop sticky notes (post-it) program, instant messaging application (LAN messanger) and a communications tool used across a local network, Internet and via email. Perfect and ideal tool for LAN communication
Simple RS 232 monitor
Simple RS 232 monitor is a small diagnostic program used to monitor RS 232 communications between devices.
Rich Mailer
Maintain subscribal mailing lists and broadcast personalized email messages with Rich mailer. Easy and fast subscription based email mass mailer. This mass mailer is handy for various internet professionals and on-line store owners to notify their...
Repeat Dialer
If a number is busy, this program will recheck that number repeatedly for availability. You'll hear a ring signal when the line becomes free. You can redial on ring signals too. This is useful for radio contests and call-in television show voting.
ReDiSoG Animated chat
ReDiSoG Animated chat is a real time chat for small office, club or home local networks. ReDiSoG Animated chat perfectly combines highly customizable interface. You may insert animated smileys in messages. Animated chat rooms are funnier than ordinary ones.
Видишь, душистым огнем блистает эфир благовонный, Пламя сияньем своим ударяет по золоту храмов. Овидий
Как-то вечером несколько рыцарей ужинали в одном знатном флорентийском доме. Среди них был жонглер, слывший неутомимым рассказчиком. После ужина он начал рассказывать новеллу, конца которой не было видно. Слуга, видимо, не слишком сытый, заметил: "Тот, от кого ты узнал эту новеллу, рассказал тебе не все". Придворный спросил его: "Почему?" Слуга ответил: "Потому, что он не рассказал тебе конец". Тогда, смутившись, жонглер замолчал.
Если женщина не пpава, то нужно извиниться и замолчать.