Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы
Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы



В начало » Communications


Reads aloud ICQ, MSN, AIM, Yahoo, Trillian Pro and Miranda messages. Integrates with Microsoft Outlook. Supports voice commands (speech recognition). Can be used from external applications and scripts. And much more...


Sysgraph is a program that monitors your network speed, RAM and CPU usage. It can optimize memory usage to make other programs run faster. It runs without installation so it keeps your system clean from unnecessary registry entries.


Integrates Schedules, Notes, and Contacts in one versatile package. Multiple import/export, save and print capabilities make Synconizer a straightforward, fast and secure PIM. Synconizer can even synchronize and share data over the Internet and LAN.


RascalPro enhances your dial-up session management and keeps your connection alive by simulating network activity and restoring the connection if it is lost. Other features include session scheduling, batch processing, file logging and time tracking.


Use this complete small to large enterprise level instant communication solution to set up instant communication environment on corporate network without having to use dedicated server or third party services. Download your FREE trial copy now!

Live Help 123

Live Help 123 is a feature rich live help system that allows visitors to your site to chat with sales and support staff in real time. Visitors just need to click on the "live help" button to chat without having to install any software.


Email Scaner, Create the databases e-Mail addresses, Sender of Email Includes SMTP server and HTML editor

Webcam Dashboard

Watch up to 24 different webcams at a time, saving any new pictures. You can even turn a webcam into your screensaver!


webcamXP offers unique features and unequaled ease of use to let you broadcast / manage your video sources or secure your company with up to 10 video sources per computer.


Simple, smart and very convenient program, fully compatible with standard WinPopup, having a very similar interface, but without all the drawbacks and with emoticons, links, etc. Compatible with any Windows version – from 95 to XP!

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Делать то, что доставляет удовольствие, - значит быть свободным.
Ф. Вольтер


Собрались ученые на международный симпозиум и за-
спорили, чем отличается осел от ишака. Приводились разные тео-
рии происхождения названий. Зачитывались выдержки из древне-
вавилонских трактатов и египетских папирусов. Молодой аспирант
сидел, слушал, а потом сказал:
-- Господа, по-моему, осел -- это ученая степень, а ишак --


Жизнь - это венерическая болезнь: передается половым путем и заканчивается летально.

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